Additional Links
BookFlix and Literacy Place - shared e-Reading
Unite for Literacy - A site that has a variety books for you to read or you have the option of having the books narrated for you.
APTN Kids - Authentic Indigenous programming free trial available.
Fraser Valley Regional Library - If you don’t have a library card you can sign up on line.
Supporting Word Making Development - Matt Glover, author of Engaging Young Writers has posted videos called Supporting Word Making Development. They show the developmental nature of learning to spell and the stages children go through as they move toward conventional spelling.
Splash Learn - This is an American site so the money and measurement will not apply.
Tech-free estimation/measuring/counting ideas:
Find jars, boxes, bags of collections around your home. (food in a bag/bowl, money in a jar, squares in roll of toilet paper/paper towel)
Estimate (best guess) then count to check your answer.
Estimate the distance between 2 objects using various ways to measure like hands, feet, books, ruler etc. then measure to check your answer.
Count collections around your home. (lego, Cheerios, stuffed toys, coins, buttons) You can use cupcake liners or ice cube trays to help sort and count.
How did you count your items?
Think of a different way to count them.
Which way did you like the best? Why?